Recovery After Rehab: Moderation or Abstinence?

abstinence vs moderation

Lastly, you can join moderated alcohol support groups to get encouragement and gain accountability in a non-judgmental and secure forum. If you have health problems related to alcohol, it may be unsafe to drink at all, period. In this case, abstinence is the best way forward for your health and safety. By quitting drinking completely, your body can begin to repair the damage caused by alcohol.

  • If this is how you feel, commit yourself to being open to new ideals and beliefs that may result in a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.
  • Attempting to drink alcohol after achieving sobriety can be a dangerous path.
  • One possibility is that people will think about a goal conflict as involving completely incompatible activities.
  • Understanding how external factors will support or impede your success can help you determine if moderation is something that feels achievable within your current lifestyle and circumstances, or if sobriety is a more realistic goal.

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abstinence vs moderation

Simply put, those who want to learn to drink in moderation are less likely to achieve their goal, while those who set a goal of quitting drinking entirely see greater success. Sara explained to her therapist that she didn’t think she could quit drinking altogether. When out for a nice dinner or attending a get-together, she still wanted the freedom of having a drink or two.

Relapse Triggers

  • Here are some things to consider in comparing moderation vs. abstinence.
  • Sooner or later, the pressure will build up and the volcano will explode—or you will relapse.
  • A permanent commitment means we are committed to a course of action for the future and we will do every thing in our power to fulfill and maintain that commitment.
  • Some people find it’s still too overwhelming to be around alcohol, and it’s too hard to change their habits.
  • It’s normal for people to resist the idea of stopping drinking completely when they begin to realize that jobs, health or relationships are jeopardized due to a drinking problem.

By addressing emotional triggers head-on, recovering alcoholics can reduce the likelihood of relapse and maintain their commitment to a sober life. After a period of moderate drinking, some people end up achieving abstinence anyway. If quitting is your ultimate goal, starting with moderation may help you achieve it. And even if you don’t plan to quit, you may find that you lose interest in alcohol after practicing moderation.

  • And even if you don’t plan to quit, you may find that you lose interest in alcohol after practicing moderation.
  • This includes those managing liver disease, bipolar disorder, abnormal heart rhythms, or chronic pain.
  • Though they can learn to live a clean and sober life by making different choices, many have found after relapse that the myth of having “just one” or being able to control their drinking is nothing more than a myth.

Psychoeducation in Addiction Treatment

abstinence vs moderation

In one study, the scenarios were selected to be ones that most people would see as incompatible goals versus resource dilemmas. For example, most people are likely to see sobriety as incompatible with drinking, but working and spending time for a resource dilemma. Using ratings, they confirmed how participants were viewing the scenarios. Participants were also asked the strategy (abstinence controlled drinking vs abstinence versus balancing) they would recommend for that goal conflict. People were more likely to recommend abstinence for incompatible conflicts than for resource dilemmas. Study authors used data from their prior randomized trial that tested two motivational interventions and one comparison condition where individuals were simply encouraged to reduce their drinking taking place over 7 weeks.

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abstinence vs moderation

abstinence vs moderation

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