Ecstasy MDMA Addiction and Abuse What is Ecstasy MDMA? Learn More

is ecstasy addictive

Because MDMA is an unregulated, illicit drug, manufacturers can add anything to the substance — like caffeine, dextromethorphan, amphetamines, PCP or cocaine — so its purity is always questionable. Ecstasy was one of several drugs tested in a military context decades after. It was then re-synthesized, first by Gordon Alles and then by Alexander Shulgin, who tested it on himself, his wife, and his friends. Shulgin went on to develop a range of new compounds, including MDMA and PMMA (paramethoxymethamphetamine), many of which ended up as versions of street ecstasy.

MDMA Addiction, Overdose, and Withdrawal

However, a significant portion of what’s sold as molly is either mixed with other substances or contains no MDMA at all. Other criteria for addiction include developing a tolerance to ecstasy, spending an extraordinary amount of time trying to get it, and using more of it than intended. The most telling sign of an ecstasy addiction is wanting to stop but being unable to. Overall, this drug’s use is rather uncommon, as research shows that just 2% of the U.S. population, aged 12 and above, has used a hallucinogenic drug like MDMA within the past year.

  1. MDMA causes the brain to produce an overload of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.
  2. If you believe you or someone you love may be struggling with addiction, let us hear your story and help you determine a path to treatment.
  3. The American Society of Addiction Medicine shares that the definition of addiction is continued use despite harmful consequences.
  4. Ecstasy/molly users may also collect specific paraphernalia including pacifiers, lollipops, glow sticks, menthol vapor rub, and surgical-type masks.

The Development of Addiction as a Result of Ecstasy Abuse

MDMA causes the brain to produce an overload of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. These chemicals are all known to create feelings of happiness and pleasure and reduce depression and anxiety. Once the substance is in the body, the brain compensates by producing less of these agents. People often experience depression, anxiety, confusion, sleep problems and cravings for Ecstasy after coming down, even after the first time trying it. People who take the drug experience an increase in energy and heightened emotional sensitivity, and the neurotransmitter serotonin is released in the brain, which causes a short-term, elevated mood. The drug can also serve as an antidepressant for a very short amount of time.

What is MDMA? MDMA Abuse, Dangers, and Treatment

is ecstasy addictive

However, if you or someone you know uses MDMA, knowing these signs is important. Ecstasy affects the brain’s prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for rational thinking and decision-making. This can lead to poor judgment and risky behaviors, like unsafe sex or driving under the influence. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime estimates ecstasy users (mostly teens and young adults) number approximately 9 million worldwide.

Ecstasy tablets are often marked with a symbol, number, or word. For example, a tablet might spouses of alcoholics support groups have the word “sky” written on it, relating to the type of “high” you will experience.

Ecstasy Abuse by the Numbers

Since MDMA is unregulated, substances sold under the names MDMA, ecstasy, or molly often contain little to no MDMA. Acute MDMA withdrawal symptoms can last for up to ten days, with minor symptoms that may linger for weeks. Based on research, it’s believed that long-term use of MDMA interferes with normal serotonin production and activity in the brain. These symptoms are more intense and prolonged the more the drug was used prior to the recovery period.

This can lead to hallucinations or emergency physical problems related to the heart, neurological system, or cerebrovascular system. Potential long-term effects of MDMA abuse can include depression, problems with memory or concentration, heart disease, aggression, and anxiety. MDMA causes increases in mood, energy, and pleasure and can distort someone’s sense of time and place.

Although many individuals believe that the development of physical dependence is a sure sign of being “addicted” to a drug, this is simply not the case. Individuals are diagnosed with substance use disorders on a regular basis, even with severe substance use disorders, without the presence of physical dependence. However, there are also several known potential risks of MDMA on mental health. Long-term use of MDMA may increase the risk of depression, anxiety, and paranoia in some people.

Breakthrough therapies and scientific advancements such as MDMA-AT offer new hope for those suffering from PTSD, but more research is needed to ensure these treatments are safe and effective. Because of its relationship with pleasure and partying, ecstasy often has a less-than-serious reputation, especially among younger people. However, MDMA is a Schedule I drug with harsh legal consequences for anyone caught in possession of or selling the drug. It can also have life-threatening effects, particularly when someone stacks use. Long-term use of ecstasy can result in issues including renal failure, hyperthermia, and heart attack. Individuals currently abusing ecstasy may demonstrate heightened perceptions and increased feelings of a positive nature, especially in response to sensations.

The NIDA also states that MDMA is currently in trials as a possible treatment option for post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety in terminally ill patients, and as treatment for social anxiety in autistic adults. If you’re struggling with ecstasy addiction or you’re wondering how to help someone with ecstasy addiction, you should know that ecstasy addiction treatment is available to help people start the principle of aa journey to recovery. Treatment looks different for everyone but may take place in various settings including detox, inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, and more. The drug became a popular “rave” or club drug in the late 1980s to early 2000s; however, its use has declined significantly. MDMA, also known as ecstasy or “molly,” is a synthetic drug known primarily for its hallucinogenic and stimulant effects.

In 2017, the Food and Drug Administration granted MDMA breakthrough therapy status due to the preliminary evidence of its efficacy in the treatment of PTSD. This status helps expedite the development and review of substances what is mary jane drug for the treatment of serious conditions. Unlike other recreational drugs such as cocaine and nicotine, which are derived from plants, MDMA or ecstasy is synthesized by altering the structure of the amphetamine molecule.